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About Us

Story About Our Firm
About TP

Specialised In Corporate and Commercial Matters

The demands of this modern world mean more work and less time. Unlike traditional law firms, we acknowledge the need to constantly innovate. We continuously adopt the state of the art technology in document management and project management. We know that if we work faster and more efficiently, our clients will benefit.

We aim to properly understand our clients, our clients’ business, and the problems that our clients are facing. We then accept the challenge of finding effective, practical and tailor-made solutions. Our clients particularly value this fact, together with our experience and flexibility.

We are also dedicated to promoting awareness on common legal issues, and this is reflected in our work for our clients. We take pride in knowing that our advice is easy to implement, quickly comprehensible and business friendly.


Our Mission

Your success is our mission, our expertise is your solution

At Thoo & Partners, we aim to assist our clients to reach the peak of success by providing support, assistance and solutions to our clients with our experience and expertise coupled with our core values.

We understand that the difficulty level for the same issue is different for each and every client as each client has different resources and the circumstances that lead to the issue are different for each client. Therefore, we do not believe in “one-size fit all” solution. We always deliver solutions that are customised, practical and effective and most importantly responsive to the clients’ needs.

Last but not least, we always take our time to listen to our clients’ issues without making any pre-judgment and assumption. We also ensure that we are attentive and constantly keep our clients informed and updated of the status so that our clients can have a peace of mind in entrusting their issues to us.

what make us unique

Our Core Value


We believe in building a reputation of reliability, honor and trustworthiness.


We strive for efficiency, quality and professionalism in everything we do.


We are re-energising legal practice with innovation, continuous growth in knowledge and multiplicity in skills.


We are focused on building relationships and fostering teamwork, with our clients and our people.

Corporate Social Responsibility

While we are focusing on providing legal services to our clients, we are also committed to contribute to the society. We hope that we can help to make this world a better place to live, filled with love and kindness. As a start, we promise to donate 10% of the legal fees that we collected for charity purposes. We will continue to explore more CSR activities and put more efforts in CSR so that we can reach out to more people who are in need.

Thoo Lit Ying

LL.B (Hons) London, CLP

Corporate Lawyer

Lit Ying completed her degree in law in 2011 and obtained her Certificate in Legal Practice in 2012. She started her legal career in Raslan Loong, Shen & Eow (formerly known as Raslan Loong), a prominent corporate firm, as a pupil in 2012. Lit Ying became a partner in the same firm in her 5th year in practice and this was her first achievement in her legal career.

Subsequently, she founded Thoo & Partners in 2020, which was her second achievement in her legal career. With her determination and passion in law, Lit Ying accomplished these two achievements in 7 years.

Lit Ying has been focusing in the areas of corporate and commercial since she joined the legal industry. Throughout her practice as a corporate lawyer, Lit Ying has represented her clients in various corporate and commercial matters such as mergers and acquisitions, joint venture transactions, cross border transactions, restructuring exercises, shareholders’ arrangements as well as advising on compliance and regulatory matters.

Clients that Lit Ying has served include small medium enterprises, listed companies, multinational companies as well as foreign companies. She also advised individuals in respect of their investments.